Happy Yingmei

Happy Yingmei


27 May 2011 – 28 May 2011
Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö, Sweden


Lilith Performance Studio

Live performance

This is Yingmei Duan’s second experience working with the Lilith Performance Studio.

Through a small doorway one-steps into Duan’s poetic fairytale wonderland, which is enacted in a forest glade. In the forest glade one hears different sounds like wind, water dripping and Yingmei herself is crouching down on a tree stump she is also sometimes making sounds…..

Yingmei is going(but slowly) and handing out many wishes which are written on small folded pieces of paper, which she opens and gives to the audience making eye contact and carefully one by one.

Some wishes/instructions involve interacting with each other, some wishes involve the space others will be realized out of the gallery. Some wishes will realized in the city of Malmö, others will be realized outside Sweden, and some wishes will be realized online. Therefore after the night of the performance the project continues.

Happy Yingmei is inspired by Oscar Wilde’s fairytale The Happy Prince – a story about a golden statue that befriends a swallow. Together they bring happiness to others, in life as well as in death.

Previously in May 2008 Yingmei Duan staged a dystopian catastrophe titled Rubbish City at Lilith Performance Studio. Even then she put herself and her dreams at the centre of the performance, lost in a wasteland of ten tons of rubbish.


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