


approx. 1,5 hours
德国布伦瑞克 BS VISITE 展,2011


Richard Bolai

Live Performance between David Hancock and Yingmei Duan

这是段英梅与大卫 · 汉考克合作的第三件作品。

在这件行为艺术作品中,两位艺术家根据一对老 夫妇的真实故事,以木偶戏的形式创作并演绎了一段凄美动人的童话。“老两口”本来相亲相爱, 相依为命,平淡幸福地生活在一起,但突然有一天,老妇人离开了人世,从那时起,老先生的记忆留在了与他和谐共存的妻子身上⋯⋯

In their performance the artists Yingmei Duan & David Hancock act out a very beautiful melancholie fairy tale with puppets which they build the story inspirted by a real life from an old couple.

They are an elderly couple. During the performance a peaceful and content life is depicted, the couple takes good care of each other but unexpectedly the old woman dies one day, and life suddenly changes forever. This performance is an exploration of the role of the elderly in contemporary society.