逃离对天堂的渴望,德国施伦舒普, 2014年4月26日 – 2014年6月2日
Video perfromance
Yuko und ich haben uns schon vor langer Zeit kennengelernt, und wollten schon seit langem miteinander zusammenarbeiten.
Während ihres Arbeitsaufenthalts im Künstlerhaus Lukas hat sie mich zu einem gemeinsamen Projekt eingeladen. Wir sind dann fast jeden Tag morgens am Meer spazieren gegangen, haben zusammen gegessen und ganz viel ausprobiert. “Yingmei and Yuko” ist eine von mehreren gemeinsam realisierten Arbeiten.
YK: Touching sand, hearing waves and seeing her are the same thing?
Yingmei is a performer and she always says: “Ich bin sehr glücklich. Ich bin zufrieden.” I think I don’t often say that.
YM: Yuko is a dancer. She speaks like a Japanese bird, very softly.
YK: We are two artists. We are traveling around the world. We are scorpions.
YM: Do we have something else in common?
YK: She eats meals regularly and after meal she likes to move.
YK: I am wondering why she is so curious about other people.
YM: She looks like a melancholic clown.
YM: She has a unique body. I always like to touch her belly.
YM: She laughs a lot when we are together.
YK: She laughs a lot when we are together. What do I know about her?
YK: I think that she became taller since I saw her last time.
YM: She likes eating snacks.
YK: She likes sleeping very much.
YM: She should speak more slowly, then she will have more chances in life.
YM: When I speak, she always understands something different.
YK: She often tells me: “ich verstehe nicht, noch mal!“
YM: She always has a young boyfriend.
YK: She says she knows more about sexuality than me.
YK: She laughs like a child in daily life. But when she performs, I see deep inside her. YM: She needs dance, it is her life. If she dances, I always see my soul from her body.
Yuko 和我很久以前就认识了,并且想一起工作很久了。
在 Künstlerhaus Lukas 逗留期间,她邀请我参加一个联合项目。 我们几乎每天早上都去海边散步,一起吃饭,尝试了很多。 《英梅与祐可》是多部合作完成的作品之一。