

19 天 , 每天 6 小时
英国曼切斯特惠特沃斯美术馆, 2009


Marco Anelli


“玛丽娜 · 阿布拉莫维奇展”在曼彻斯特国际艺术节期间于惠特沃斯美术馆展出。英梅应邀参加表演。在这个互动行为作品中,表演空间光线昏暗,英梅抚摸着自己裸露的身体,在半梦半醒中踱来踱去,同时流露出绝望神情。


“Marina Abramović presents” took place at Manchester International Festival held in the Whitwirth Art Gallery. Yingmei was one of the invited artists.

In this interactive performance Yingmei appears hopeless touching her naked body. The space is quite dark and she moves around slowly she seems to be tired and disappointed with life and people. Her movements and expression encompass both beauty and ugliness as if she is striving to find meaning in life. This piece reveals loneliness, melancholia and depression.

Is Yingmei part of the crowd? Does the space resemble today’s society? Does she want to escape the complicated relationships that exist within society? Does Yingmei appear to be attempting to break away from her own solitude by trying to interact with the other people in the crowd? …