
19.11.2011 – 02.12.2011
德国布伦瑞克 Galerie auf Zeit 画廊,2011
Live Performance with Di Lu
在“身体”声音为主题的声音装置作品中,两位艺术 家在画廊的每一面墙上都安装上扩音器,每个扩音器循环播放着来自不同国家市场里各种买卖的 嘈杂声,这样整个空间里就营造了一种国际市场的氛围。展览的开幕式上,在这个特殊的国际“ 市场”里,两位艺术家给在场的一些观众赋予了新的身份并和他们进行了互动,表演出一幕艺术 家、策展人、艺术评论家、收藏家等人如何在竞争激烈的国际艺术舞台来展现自我的场景。
After the success of their first collaborative performance at Chinese Arts Centre in Manchester in 2009, Yingmei Duan and Di Lu have decided to carry on experimenting with sound, performance and installation in Braunschweig.
In the exhibition “BODY” SOUND, the artists build an international market atmosphere with different market sounds in the whole gallery space. The market is not represented visually but instead it is the audio that is important. We see market places as representative of our society as a whole, vibrant and lively.
For the opening of the show both of them perform a fictive art market scenario with the visitors in this special market they create. During the performance the artists reflect the art industry by experimenting and presenting new identities with the audience. The aim of the performance is to explore how to present oneself to the international art scene.
Yingmei Duan and Di Lu both grew up in China, then studied and are based in Germany and England respectively. The different culture in China and Europe greatly influence both artists.